Acrobat Standard or Professional - Which one is right for you? Adobe Acrobat Standard 2017
Overview ------------------------------------------------------------- Now there are two
ways to buy Acrobat 2017 - Subscription and Perpetual.
- Acrobat Pro or Acrobat Standard desktop software
- Free Document Cloud services, which let you:
- - Access recent files across devices
- - Store and share files online
- - Complete and sign forms using data from personal autofill
- Additional Document Cloud services, including:
- - Create, combine, and export PDFs across desktop, web, or
mobile devices.
- - Edit and organize PDF files on an iPad (Pro only)
- - Collect signatures from others and track them online
- - Send and track important documents online
- Access to the newest features as soon as they are available for no
additional cost
- Lower cost of entry
- Discounts on 50 or more Acrobat licenses purchased at the same time
- Acrobat Pro r Acrobat Standard desktop software
- Free Document Cloud services, which let you:
- - Access recent files across devices
- - Store and share files online
- - Complete and sign forms using data from personal autofill
- Discounts on 50 or more Acrobat licenses purchased at the same time
All-new Adobe Acrobat 2017 is the latest perpetual version of Acrobat. It's
the complete desktop solution for working with PDF documents. It simplifies
everyday PDF tasks and includes many productivity enhancements when working with
PDFs from your desktop.
Easily compare files
With the all-new Compare Files tool, you can now quickly and
accurately detect differences between two versions of a PDF
- Compare two versions of a document to detect all text
and image changes.
- View an easy-to-scan results summary that provides an
overview of file differences.
- Easily move through the document to review each
difference using a side-by-side or single-page view.
- Filter the changes to quickly see all text, image,
annotation, formatting, header/footer, or background
Tabbed interface for
viewing multiple PDFs
Opening multiple PDFs in the same session now opens the PDFs as tabs
in the same application window. You can switch among the tabs at the top
of the window by clicking on the file name shown in each tab. A previous
button and a next button are displayed at the top right to let you
navigate through document tabs when the number of open PDFs no longer
fit in the document view.
Acrobat auto resizes tabs when the documents don’t fit in the view window.
All the opened files are now listed towards the bottom of the Window menu.
To switch to a particular opened document, either you can click the tab for the
doc or choose its filename from the Window menu.
Use digital IDs
The all-new Certificates tool makes it easier than ever to
digitally sign, certify, and verify documents with a digital ID.
- Get set up easily. Find your existing digital IDs from
files, smart cards, or USB token devices and configure them
easily for signing.
- Customize your signature appearance. Add valuable
information to your signatures, such as a logo, date,
location, or signing reason.
- Use your signature image. Draw your signature or upload
a scanned image to add it to your digital identity.
Select a UI theme
In addition to the Light Gray theme, Acrobat and Acrobat Reader now
has a new Dark Gray theme, which is in line with other Creative Cloud
products, such as Photoshop, Illustrator, and Premiere Pro. This theme
provides an attractive visual experience, especially when working with
rich colors and designs. It also makes cross-application work simpler
than ever.
By default, the theme continues to be Light Gray. To change it to
Dark Gray, go to View > Display Theme > Dark Gray.
Enhanced commenting
Give and get fast, clear feedback with all-new commenting
tools and an intuitive, touch-friendly interface.
- Customize the comment toolbar to see the features you
- Easily change the color, font, or size of comment text.
- Easily view and navigate through comments. You can
organize comments by page, author, date, type, checkmark
status, or color. Filters also support quick management of
- Reply to sticky notes with a single-thread that presents
all replies to an annotation in one conversation.
- Tap on fillable text fields to bring up the soft
keyboard on touch-enabled devices.
- Use keyboard shortcuts for commenting actions, including
delete, replace, or add a note to text. When you open the
Comment tool, the text markup shortcuts are enabled by
- Use the new highlighter pen to mark up scanned documents
without needing to run OCR.
System requirements
- 1.5GHz or faster processor
- Windows Server 2008 R2 (64 bit), 2012 (64 bit), 2012 R2
(64 bit), or 2016 (64 bit); Windows 7 (32 bit and 64 bit);
Windows 8 (32 bit and 64 bit); or Windows 10 (32 and 64 bit)
- 1GB of RAM
- 2.5GB of available hard-disk space
- 1024x768 screen resolution
- DVD-ROM drive required (if installing from disc)
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 8, 9, 10 (Windows 8
minimum), or 11; Firefox (ESR)
- Video hardware acceleration (optional)
- This software will not operate without activation.
Internet connection and registration are required for
software activation, validation of subscriptions, and access
to online services.* Phone activation is not available.
Mac OS
- Intel processor
- Mac OS X v10.10, Mac OS X v10.11, or macOS v10.12
- 1GB of RAM
- 2.75GB of available hard-disk space
- 1024x768 screen resolution
- DVD-ROM drive required (if installing from disc)
- Safari 8.0 for Mac OS X v10.10, Safari 9.0 for Mac OS X
10.11, Safari 10.0 for macOS v10.12 (browser plug-in for
Safari is supported on 64-bit Intel processor only)
- Video hardware acceleration (optional)
- This software will not operate without activation.
Internet connection and registration are required for
software activation, validation of subscriptions, and access
to online services.* Phone activation is not available.